Harding in the Vietnam War Era

Dublin Core


Harding in the Vietnam War Era


Professor Harding's activities related to the Vietnam War, blending his Transcendental background with the passion of student protests in Geneseo at the time.


Themes regarding any and all of the following in relation to Harding: Vietnam, the right to assemble peacefully, civil disobedience, non-violent protest, and Thoreau over the period of 1965-1975.


Benjamin Leblanc, Julia McGaugh, Leah Christman, Brian Lange

Collection Items

Brief History of Protests at SUNY Geneseo in the 1960s
Clash between students and administration

Protest, Power, and Change
An article written by Walter Harding documenting "an encyclopedia of Nonviolent Action to ACT UP and Women's suffrage.
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