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  • Collection: Harding and the Thoreau Society

A Tribute to Walter Harding.pdf
The mature and aesthetic appearance of this modern publication of the Thoreau Society Bulletin is a far cry from the simple type-written affair which Harding produced, but the Society is clearly still in touch with its roots. This article speaks to…

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From the files of Walter Harding, this photograph depicts some of the founding members of the Thoreau Society, whom Harding was so fond of reminiscing on.

Thoreau Society of America Cropped.jpg
The devoted work which Harding put into his homemade bulletins can now been seen in published volumes, courtesy of the Thoreau Society.

An interesting contrast arises when this bulletin is compared to the first one, which had been published the previous year. There seems to be more direction and structure, and the activities of the Thoreau Society seem more clear. The evolution of…

TSB 1 Cropped.jpg
As a creation of the very early days of the Thoreau Society, this bulletin gives a fascinating glimpse into the process of the organization coming into being. At the time of this publication, the Thoreau Society was still in its formative stages, and…

The Thoreau Society- A History Part 1.pdf
In four parts, Harding reminisces on the roots of the Thoreau Society for the enjoyment and reflection of his fellow members. Inserted among other Thoreau-related items in the semiannual bulletin, this casual and personal reflection is a shortened…

Thoreau Society Bulletin 150.pdf
A very condensed version of Harding's tale of the Thoreau Society's beginnings, this blurb appeared as the front page article in the 150th Thoreau Society Bulletin. It is a personal but brisk recollection from Harding's perspective, and is a summary…

One of the last memoirs that Harding would write on the origins of the Thoreau Society, the decades of hindsight between Harding's account and the events he describe allow him to recount many events familiar to those who have read a great deal of…

Copy of Thoreau Society Bulletin-- Ghandi and Thoreau Pg. 1.jpg
Harding was highly involved in his role as secretary, and used the Thoreau Society Bulletin to talk about important contemporary events--such as the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi--through the lens of Thoreauvian thought.

Concord Summer Seminars.pdf
What began as a summer course for Geneseo students became a wide-reaching retreat with many scholarly works stemming from the inspiration which Harding provided. The same drive which led him to found the Thoreau Society continued to drive other,…
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