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A letter from August 1965 in which Kelley writes to Harding about using him as a reference on a resume and sends back a key he forgot to return.

In this New York Times review, "A Drop of Patience" is called terse and vivid.

Walter Harding.jpg
A picture of Professor Walter Harding in a canoe. He looks happy to be channeling Thoreau.

William Kelley with Marjorie and Walter Harding

A glowing review by Walter Harding of "Dancers on the Shore", Kelley's second novel (which was a group of 16 short stories). It is partially due to Harding's enthusiastic reception of Kelley's work that he was able to lock him into a position at…

Kelley writes a friendly correspondence to Harding and discusses his thoughts on teaching at Geneseo.
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